Outstanding Universal Value(OUV)
[…] and singular authentic objects: […] as well as around 60 preserved tombstones from the 13th to 15th century from the former Jewish cemetery.
To this day the cemetery in Worms, largely preserved in its original state, is a site that is also visited by many Jews from all over the world for individual and collective remembrance at the graves and epitaphs of scholars, martyrs and other distinguished figures and is therefore a place of living Jewish tradition of universal significance. It is also sought out by many Christians who are aware of the extensive similarities between Judaism and Christianity. The same goes, but to a more limited extent, for the memorial cemetery in Mainz.
The Ashkenazi part of the cemetery features some 6,500 tombstones of exceptional value: Particularly the tombs of rabbis excel in the sheer text volume of their inscriptions, their literary quality and external ornaments (…). There is no other Jewish cemetery in the whole of Germany that has a similar number of rabbis’ tombstones of equal importance.
From 11th until 20th century. Currently 1.100 dated medieval inscriptions from seven communities:
on …
What characterises this class of objects is that they form a whole with their physical support. Indeed, the meaning of an epigraph cannot be fully understood without the analysis of the object or monument or other archaeological object on which it appears, just as one cannot fully understand the nature of that particular archaeological object without thoroughly investigating the sense of the inscription or iconographic representation it hosts
Felicetti et al., 2016
זה קבר של הרב ר׳ מאיר בר אברהם הכהן הזקן הנהרג על יחוד השם במ״א לפרט כ״ז בסיון ביום שנשרף בית הכנסת ונקרעו סיפרי תורה מנוחתו כבוד
1607 | 1612 | 1774 | 1782 | 1795 | 1805 |
ffb-444 | ffb-2057 | ffb-55 | ffb-1584 | ffb-52 | ffb-1678 |
Schlomo Schuh Grotwol | Breinlen bat Schlomo | Joswel ben Schlomo Schuh | Schönle bat David Rapp | Breinche bat Süskind Leidersdorf | Gitle bat Izek ben Jaakow Hanau SeGaL |
… and displaying 200 years of shoe-design engraved in headstones
![]() |
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1637 | 1654 | 1710 | 1726 | 1784 | 1794 |
Urban Architecture |
Fashion |
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1722 | 1726 | 1716 |
Symbols, ornaments, decoration found on Jewish headstones as well as biblical quotations in the epitaphs or the materials of the headstones or the type of script used are not strictly limited to Jewish cultural life.
- Refering to authority files and use of controlled vocabularies help to disseminate the results of our research
EpiDoc is an international, collaborative effort that provides guidelines and tools for encoding scholarly and educational editions of ancient documents. It uses a subset of the Text Encoding Initiative's standard for the representation of texts in digital form and was developed initially for the publication of digital editions of ancient inscriptions
It addresses not only the transcription and editorial treatment of texts themselves, but also the history and materiality of the objects on which the texts appear.
see: https://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/wiki/Home/
<particDesc> <!-- participation description -->
<person xml:id="ffb-80-1" sex="1">
<persName ref="http://d-nb.info/gnd/11879132X">
Meir Rothschild ben Anschel Rothschild
</persName> <death when="1812-09-19"/>
<langUsage> <language ident="he" usage="100">Hebrew</language> </langUsage>
ffb-80-1 html | EpiDoc TEI XML
Iconclass |
a multilingual classification system for cultural content |
symbol: Lily | 25G41(LILY) |
Arts and Architecture Thesaurus | [AAT] to improve access to information about art, architecture, and material culture |
object|concept: shoe | 300046065 |
Thesaurus of Geographic Names | TGN is intended to aid cataloging, research, and discovery of art historical, archaeological, and other scholarly information. |
place: Frankfurt | 7005293 |
GND | Die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) ist eine Normdatei für Personen, Körperschaften, Konferenzen, Geografika, Sachschlagwörter und Werktitel |
person: Rothschild, Meyer Amschel | 11879132X |
By using controlled vocabularies project-specific findings are addressed by unique identifiers [digital shelf mark]
Why store data about an object, when you have the object itself?
Because without data about the objects contained in a space, any sufficiently complex space is indistinguishable from chaos.
Pomerantz 2017
vice versa: our data a available outside our limited domain
subject predicate object .
epidat-ID sameAS GND-ID .
ffb-80-1 sameAS 11879132X .
<person xml:id="ffb-80-1" sex="1">
Meir Rothschild ben Anschel Rothschild
<death when="1812-09-19"/>
Semantic Web is breaking down the data silos
Tim Berners-Lee: The next Web of open, linked data
headstone– is always part of an ensemble – the
Working /w Tacheometer on Hamburg cemetery
(team-leader: Tobias Arera-Rütenik)
zoom in | zoom out |
single object | ensemble |
object | context |
discovering units | rows | fields |
RiR-project 2012-2015 | template: Howto make a dynamic map
Identifies quotations, names, places, dates, idioms – dynamic dictionaries
developed by T. Kollatz
The structure of an XML document reflects the structure of an epigraphic edition. Following the strict hierarchy of XML forces one to better organise one’s thoughts, approach towards, and work on an epigraphic document. We have found that it is highly beneficial to be able to process and produce information in a well structured and clearer way, even if the students do not show interest in further DH training.
Thus, for the traditionally trained epigrapher (classicist, humanist) an EpiDoc or a more general DH training leaves the sense of a distinct change of methodology. This change, however, is usually perceived as an improvement, the ‘scientific’ methodology adding more detail and nuances to the publication, though sometimes it can leave an uncomfortable feeling of not being allowed any fuzziness.
IIP – Inscriptions of Israel | Palestine | epidat – Database of Jewish Epigraphy | DIO – Deutsche Inschriften Online | |
online | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
quantity | 3,589 | 34,278 | ca. 18,000 |
time | 500 BCE - 640 CE | midth 11th - 20th century | 500-1650 CE |
space | Israel | Palestine | Germany | The Netherlands | Czechia | Lithunia | Germany | Austria | South Tyrol |
Genre | Different | Funeral Inscriptions | Different |
Format | EpiDoc: TEI XML for Epigraphic Documents | ||
Example | QUAMR0001 | ffb-80 | 34-561 |