more accurate: study of text that is incised or graved
in stone, wood, metal, etc. by stonemasons and woodcutters
typically inscriptions are unique
inscriptions are related to text bearing objects as well
as specific events in space and time, by this means inscriptions are
always a valuable historical source
epigraphy starts with the study of a single object and
ends with insights in an ensemble of text bearing objects with
inscriptions. Form of the headstone as well as text of the inscription
are testifing tradition as well as change
A Cemetery is an ensemble of objects, inscriptions and names
Form follows Function
What characterises this class of objects is that they form a whole with
their physical support. Indeed, the meaning of an epigraph cannot be fully
understood without the analysis of the object or monument or other
archaeological object on which it appears, just as one cannot fully understand
the nature of that particular archaeological object without thoroughly
investigating the sense of the inscription or iconographic representation it
are released online under an open Creative Commons Licence
are provided in different formats
in html for the world wide web
in EpiDoc: TEI XML for Epigraphic Documents
machine readable, system-independent, program-independent and
structured access (and widely used
by digitalepigraphers)
controlled vocabularies
are mapped to authority files and thesauri (kind of digital shelf
are provided via a machine readable interface (e.g. in order to re-use
the data)
Bodard G. & Stoyanova S. 2016. Epigraphers and Encoders: Strategies for Teaching and Learning
Digital Epigraphy. In: Romanello M. & Bodard G, Digital Classics Outside
the Echo-Chamber. London: Ubiquity Press.
Kollatz, Thomas. “Digitale Approaches to Cemeteries: Preservation and Education.”
presented at the All that remains: Education and Conservation of Jewish
Funerary Culture, Utrecht, June 12, 2018.
Kollatz, Thomas. “epidat –
Forschungsplattform zur jüdischen Grabsteinepigraphik: Edition,
Kommentierung, Annotation, Visualisierung und Analyse jüdischer Grabmale aus
neun Jahrhundert.” presented at the Vortragsreihe des IZED im Sommersemester
2018: Annotation Kommentar Erläuterung, Wuppertal, May 29, 2018.
Kollatz, Thomas, and Max Grüntgens. “Annotieren, analysieren,
visualisieren. Repositorien mergen, analysieren und visualisieren.”
presented at the DARIAH-DE Grand Tour, Darmstadt, September 20, 2018.
Epigraphic Research Data as source for Onomastics and Genealogy: The
Case of ‘epidat’, the research platform for Jewish Epigraphy Epidat – the
Research platform for Jewish Epigraphy contains about 190 digital editions of
historic Jewish cemeteries with more than 35.000 inscriptions. The geographical
focus is on Germany, The Netherlands, Lithuania and Czechia. The time span
ranges from the mid 11th to the 20th century. In the epidat-platform the
epigraphical sources are made available in various ways. In my lecture I will
focus on epigraphy as well as Historical Jewish cemeteries as valuable source
for genealogy and onomastics.